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Maximizing Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

By now, you are either already using pay-per-click (PPC) advertising for your facilities, or you’re ready to use it and want to learn more. So, what is PPC, how is it used, and how is it maximized?

PPC advertising is essentially a way advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. The most popular platform is when consumers perform a Google search. Advertisers bid for ad placement in a search engine’s sponsored links when someone searches on a keyword that is related to their business offering, such as “self-storage near me.”

When that ad is clicked, the user is sent to a web destination of the advertiser’s choice, and the advertiser pays the search engine a small fee. If your PPC campaign is working well, the fee is trivial, because the visit is well worth more than what you may have paid. Compare that small fee to the potential lifetime value of a new tenant and you begin to see how effective PPC campaigns can be.

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On the surface, it sounds simple, doesn’t it? But, an awful lot of work can go on behind the scenes of a successful PPC campaign. A winning strategy includes the right keywords, in well-organized and well-designed campaigns, along with landing pages on your website that lead to conversions. The best campaigns are those with more than just a budget for PPC, but insight into how successful campaigns work. Google recognizes those as more relevant and charges those advertisers less per click, which reduces your PPC costs.

But one thing that many advertisers neglect is how to react once a PPC campaign is built and budget is applied. Many marketers sell PPC services with buzzwords like SEO and such, but what are they doing once a campaign is launched? Are they monitoring and managing your PPC spend on a regular basis? Are they looking at factors such as ‘lost search’ factors? Or worse, are they just setting the spend and forgetting it? Advertisers waste valuable dollars every single day on PPC. Management of your PPC spending is critical to long-term success and can be done through the use of software tools and through the insights of data analysts and advertising experts.

So, where do you start your PPC campaign, or how do you improve your PPC approach in the market? If you’re looking for answers regarding PPC and how to best utilize it for your facilities, why not let Adverank build and manage your PPC campaigns? Our team of experts have a track record of lowering overall advertising costs while driving occupancy rates for our customers. Give us a call today, or get started with a free trial of our award-winning Adverank tools.


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