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The Joy of Alerts – Three Reasons to LOVE Self-Storage Email Alerts

Imagine a life without apps constantly annoying you with alerts and notifications. Wouldn’t it be great to go back in time 15 years before iPhones and Android devices began interrupting our lives with such trivial matters like large credit card charges, security camera notifications, and impending weather events? Wouldn’t it be so much easier to wait until you had ample time to review your credit card statements in detail, look at videotapes, or check the local weather in the morning newspaper?

Well, if this doesn’t sound like progress to you in your personal life, then why are you still running your self-storage business this way? Why are you waiting until management reports are run and summarized to get insight on critical occupancy levels at your locations? Maybe it’s better to move forward in time and get a daily alert on occupancy and

Google search volume so you can get a jump on your competition while they are still waiting for their next monthly meeting.

Here are three reasons to employ a self-storage email alert strategy.

1. Company Wide Strategy Adverank Email Alerts – serve as a useful instrument to connect with your marketing team when they’re not logged into your PMS system or your Google Ads account. Using a nightly calculation, Adverank can help you deliver a daily or weekly summary of all your facility occupancy data alerting you if you have any facilities that need attention. Having a close watch of stabilized facilities and keeping an eye on facilities in lease-up, Adverank puts the data in your hand, on your wrist, or at your desktop.

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2. Save Time Adverank Email Alerts – allow operators to set occupancy levels for their locations and receive notifications whenever occupancy dips below your preset triggers. Adverank also uses proprietary algorithms to assess your Google pay-per-click (PPC) advertising performance and suggests adjustments to keep your share of search volume at a competitive level. You can even set these triggers to varying amounts for stabilized and lease-up properties. This increases the visibility of data and makes it much more useful than reports in excel or .pdf formats.

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3. Improve Communication With Adverank Email Alerts in place, you’ll no longer have to wait until your PMS reports are pulled and analyzed. You can skip over weekly or monthly meetings to discuss locations of concern. With daily information, you can take a proactive approach to addressing underperforming locations with, or without, PPC adjustments. Maybe an alert will give you a chance to have a conversation with a location manager or with your management team. Perhaps you’ll find other qualitative concerns that have caused a decline in occupancy before making an advertising adjustment.

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Email Alerts are here to stay and work GREAT for sensitive, archival, or elaborate data. Regardless of the decision you make, or the course of action you take with the data, Adverank will be here to notify you with near-real-time occupancy information through Email Alerts.

With Adverank, it all begins…with an alert.


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